Concept and launch video




ITS 2025 concept and launch video


Tomohiro Shibuki
Yuko Koike
Marius Janaskausas
Marcel Sommer

"You can’t stop your mind from wandering - human imagination knows no limits. It explores freely, expanding and crossing boundaries, speaking no single language yet all at once. Embracing every culture, every idea, every vision. Making new ones.
Creativity has always been our domain, a universal land of perpetual motion and peace.
Now, more than ever, ITS Contest is BORDERLESS"

The concept of ITS CONTEST 2025 is BORDERLESS.

Creativity is undoubtedly without boundaries.
Pure creative action is, by its very nature, free from constraints, restrictions, or borders, because adapting or submitting to pre-existing patterns undermines the very meaning of creating, which is about bringing something new, something that didn’t exist before.
Creativity implies breaking boundaries, creating new paths, crossing over, the unexpected, the unthinkable and almost unimaginable use of any tool or concept to create a new kind of order.

I created a visual imaginary where our stories, embodied in the characters that inhabit them, find a real, material setting—naturally, as has always been the case for ITS, in a natural setting: woods, forests, painted with impressionistic strokes that make them ethereal and metaphorical. No cities, no architecture, no element tied to a specific or identifiable place. These places have been recreated by collecting 3D scans of different real locations (real, not generated by software) that were then assembled to create something new, which we conceptually named “the land of creativity" - fragments of distant places gathered and united in a single place, a new land that exists only as the sum of its parts: sky, trees, bushes, a body of water, an entire valley.

To create this images I used an innovative tecnique called Gaussian Splatting which allowed me to capture models, outfits, landscapes with ease and later work on them with great creative freedom.
This technique is used to create almost-perfect 3D models of real objects and placed, but instead of perfect looking models I wanted to do something different for this project.

My idea was to create a visual style based on the "imperfections" of the technique, artifacts and other elements that usually are trashed, since I like the "pictorial" look they provide, completely different from the polygonal feel of photogrammetry and very much approachable and novel to the audience. So I didn't go for the "perfect" goal and instead tried to find the aesthetics of it, something I also do occasionally with still images I post on Instagram. Here follows a brief making-of video:

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